Leading clinic in attracting foreign customers

Leading clinic of long-lasting relationship with international customers


Recognized as a leading medical organization in terms of attracting foreign customers by the Busan Metropolitan City.

We began attracting foreign customers for the first time since 2008. First target country was Japan. Looking back on those times, we once again realize things we lacked. However, we do also remember that we had things that helped us stand in the crowd.

The first step in attracting foreign customers involved preparing proper infrastructure related with internal translation and interpretation service. We agreed upon the importance and presence of right personal who can welcome foreign customers. Therefore, we designated qualified coordinators with excellent foreign language skills for this task.

Next stage was to create an online content which was also organized and coordinated at She’s Plastic Clinic. This is how we attracted foreign customers without relying on agencies.

Now, treatment and all the surgical and non-surgical procedures have become available for our customers. Foreigners who are planning to visit our clinic do not need to worry about language and cultural barriers because all these things are taken into consideration and reflected and introduced into the service delivery process. According to our clinic’s annual performance, 823 foreigners had procedures in 2017, while in 2018 and 2019 the number of foreign customers who had surgeries and non-surgical procedures accounted for 1595 and 2393 people with 4031 procedures in total.

We promise to put even more efforts to stay true to our position of being an exemplary clinic where foreign customers will feel comfort and convenience any time.

* Update : 2020.08.24